
Terms & Conditions

Article 1 – Identification of the Seller and capacity of consumer

The “Seller” of the items in this webshop is:
Sowepo vzw
Vlaanderenlaan 25-27
8970 Poperinge
tel 057/33 43 77
VAT BE 431.297.632

IBAN BE87 7380 0145 2594 EUR
The Consumer declares to be 18 years of age or older.
The law states in art. 6 §6 that it is forbidden to:
It is forbidden to sell, serve or offer any beverage or product whose effective alcoholic content exceeds 0.5% by volume to minors sixteen years of age.
Any person, who wishes to purchase beverages or other alcohol-based products, may be asked to prove that he or she is over sixteen years of age.
It is forbidden to sell, serve or offer spirits, as stipulated in article 16 of the law of 7 January 1998 on the structure and rates of excise duty on alcohol and alcoholic beverages, to minors aged eighteen.
Any person, who wishes to purchase liquor, may be asked to prove that he or she is over eighteen years of age.
(W. 10.XII.2009, art. 14)
By accepting our sales conditions you declare to be over 18 years of age. Sowepo vzw is not responsible if the consumer does not meet this condition.

Article 2 – Applicability of general conditions

These general terms and conditions for sales and offers via Seller’s webshop at the time of the order by the Consumer apply to online offers and sales of articles from Seller’s assortment to consumers via the Website.

Seller only sells online to consumers domiciled in Belgium.
On current contracts, the Terms and Conditions in force at the time of the sale always apply. As these Conditions may change from time to time, you are expected to check prior to each sale which Conditions apply.

Article 3 – Prices

All prices include VAT. Additional delivery costs or other administrative costs, are always separately stated to the consumer.

Article 4 – Offer

The offer is valid while stocks last and may be changed at any time.
The description of the products is made in accordance with current legislation. Images are intended to be illustrative and the packaging supplied may differ in appearance from the product illustrated online.
The Vendor shall not be held liable in the event of obvious material, typesetting or printing errors.

Article 5 – Conclusion of sale

An order can be placed through the Website by following the steps as indicated in the webshop on the Website.
After ordering the goods, a summary of the goods ordered is delivered and made available to the Consumer online. Upon confirmation of the order, cash payment is requested according to the indicated payment method. Upon receipt of the full payment, the purchase is concluded. After payment, the order is prepared for delivery. The Consumer is then informed with a confirmation of his purchase and with the modalities of delivery according to the indicated delivery method.
The Seller reserves the right to refuse orders in the following cases:
– upon exhaustion of stock or unavailability of an item;
– identification of an erroneous offer;
– delivery address outside Belgium;
– in case of force majeure.

Article 6 – Delivery

The ordered products can only be delivered in Belgium.
The goods can be collected at:
– Sowepo vzw, Vlaanderenlaan 25-27, 8970 Poperinge
The ordered goods can be delivered to an address in Belgium.
Deliveries are made according to the delivery method indicated by the Consumer.

6 .1 – General + Rates

Bpost delivers the online orders.
The Seller makes every effort, upon receipt of the order, to correctly deliver the products to the address provided by the Consumer. The ordered products can only be delivered to an address reachable in Belgium.
The shipping cost is calculated based on the total weight of the shipment.
Upon receipt, the Consumer is responsible for any damage to the product.

6.2 – Delivery terms

Any order (on working days) paid for online will be processed and shipped the same day or the next working day, except for periods of collective leave.
The delivery times are average processing and delivery times and are provided for information purposes only. Failure to meet these indicative delivery deadlines may not give rise to any form of claim for compensation on the part of the Consumer.
If one or more ordered products do not arrive at the communicated delivery address within 15 calendar days after the confirmation of the order, the Consumer should, within a reasonable time, contact the Consumer Service of Sowepo asbl (whose details are given in Article 7) to check the status of his order.
If, in accordance with Article 6, the Consumer provides proof that the order has not been delivered within a period of 15 calendar days after its confirmation, the Consumer may cancel the order without penalty, provided he does so by e-mail or registered mail to the contact address indicated in Article 7 of these General Terms and Conditions.
The sums already paid by the Consumer shall be refunded within 30 days of receipt of the cancellation request.
If the order is not delivered, the Consumer has 45 calendar days after the confirmation of his order to inform the Vendor in writing. After that period, the order is de facto considered delivered and accepted by the Consumer, and no exchange or refund can be made.
The Seller reserves the right to split the delivery of products according to their availability. If the delivery of an order is split, the last product will be delivered within the aforementioned period of 15 days.
If a product on the website itself consists of several items, this product will not be split upon delivery.
The transport of the ordered goods is entirely at the risk of the Consumer. The risk of the goods is transferred at the time of payment by the Consumer. Damage or loss during transport shall be borne by the Consumer.
The Seller takes great care in packing the products, but cannot avoid that cakes and/or other products break or are damaged in any other way during transport. The Seller cannot be held liable for this.

Article 7 – Complaints

7.1 Sowepo vzw always strives for maximum quality. Should you nevertheless have a comment or a complaint regarding your order, you can contact us within x calendar days after delivery via or on:
Sowepo vzw
Vlaanderenlaan 25-27
8970 Poperinge
tel 057/33 43 77
If the complaint proves to be justified, our liability is limited to the exchange of the goods. Any liability of the seller is limited to the amount actually paid for the order.
We will make every effort to deal with the complaint within 7 days.

7.2 All agreements that we conclude with our consumers, regardless of their place of residence, are governed exclusively by Belgian law and, in the event of a dispute, only the competent Belgian courts are competent.

7.3 In the event of a non-judicial settlement of the dispute, the Consumers’ Ombudsman Service of the Federal Public Service Economy is competent to receive any request for non-judicial settlement of consumer disputes. The latter will in turn either deal with the request itself or forward it to a qualified entity. You can reach the Consumer Ombudsman’s Service via this link.

Article 8 – Warranty

On the ordered items, except for the following different modalities, only the legal warranty applies.
The guarantee for perishable products is only valid during the best-before date indicated on the packaging.
Except in the case of mandatory legal provisions, the Vendor shall not be liable for any damage caused (directly or indirectly) by the products supplied. The warranty shall also not apply in case of incorporation of the products into other products.

Article 9 – Right of withdrawal

The consumer can dissolve a contract relating to the purchase of a product during a reflection period of at least 14 days without giving any reason. The entrepreneur may ask the consumer about the reason for withdrawal, but may not oblige the consumer to give his reason(s).
The cooling-off period commences on the day after the consumer has received the product.
If the consumer uses his right of withdrawal, he shall notify Sowepo vzw within the cooling-off period by means of the model form for withdrawal or in any other unambiguous manner. The consumer will return the goods as soon as possible, but at the latest within 14 days from the day following the receipt of the order.
Sowepo may refuse returned goods or not refund them if the original packaging has been opened or if the products have been damaged by the consumer.
The cooling-off period expires after 14 days from the day you received your products. If the cooling-off period does not expire on a working day, it will be extended to the next working day.
The consumer must pay the cost of return shipping.

Artikel 10 – Privacy

The personal data provided by the Consumer will be processed by the Seller to execute the contract between the Consumer and the Seller, including invoicing and delivery of products purchased by the Consumer.
The data may also be processed for promotional and prospection purposes and to inform the Consumer about the Seller and its products and services. If the Consumer does not wish this, he may inform the Seller in writing. Upon written request, the use of the personal data will be limited to the purposes in the first paragraph of this article.
The information collected will only be used internally and will not be passed on to other organizations.
Upon request, we will notify visitors to our website of the personal data processed from them. Any incorrect data can be corrected, supplemented or deleted. If you wish to access this information, or wish to correct your personal data please contact us at the address below.

For detailed information regarding our privacy statement which is GDPR compliant, we refer you to our privacy policy which can also be found on this website.

Article 11 – Contact information

You can contact Sowepo vzw, Vlaanderenlaan 25-27, 8970 Poperinge or via e-mail at

Article 12 – Modification of conditions

Current Terms and Conditions may change at any time without notice. Any purchase made after the modification of these Terms as published on the website, implies acceptance by the Consumer of the new Terms. You are therefore advised to consult these Terms regularly.
The Conditions may be supplemented or amended by other conditions if explicitly referred to prior to purchase by the Consumer.

Article 13 – Proof

The Consumer accepts that electronic communications (e.g. e-mails), files (e.g. shipping reports) and backups may serve as evidence.

Article 14 – Liability

The Consumer uses the Website and the Webshop at his own responsibility. Seller is not liable for any failure or unavailability of the webshop due to technical malfunction. Seller is not liable for any damage of the Consumer as a result of the spread of a virus through the webshop.
The Seller guarantees that the products and/or services comply with the contract, with the specifications stated in the offer, with the reasonable requirements of soundness and/or usability and with the statutory provisions and/or government regulations that existed on the date of the conclusion of the contract.
An additional warranty provided by the Seller shall never limit the legal rights and claims that the Consumer may assert against the Seller under the contract if the Seller has failed to perform its part of the contract.
Additional warranty means any commitment of the Seller in which it grants to the Consumer certain rights or claims beyond what it is legally obliged to do in case it has failed to perform its part of the contract.

Article 15 – Applicable law – Competent court

Belgian law shall apply to the formation, interpretation, execution and termination of the contract between the Consumer and the Seller. In case of disputes, only the courts of the judicial district where the registered office of the Seller is situated are competent.


Welkom bij Houblonesse

Deze site bevat enkele alcoholische producten. U moet 18 jaar of ouder zijn om alcohol aan te kopen in België.
